Portfolio overview¶
Reporting date | Reference currency | Created date | |
2022-12-30 | PLN | 2024-03-29 |
Invested amount PLN | Invested amount | Quantity | type | currency | platform | quote | Amount at date | Amount at date PLN | |
AAPL | 382.26 | 100.00 | 0.64 | Stock | USD | revolut_stocks | 129.93 | 83.43 | 365.80 |
AMZN | 767.75 | 200.00 | 0.06 | Stock | USD | revolut_stocks | 84.00 | 4.80 | 21.05 |
CDR.PL | 3860.53 | 4772.88 | 27.00 | ETF | PLN | xtb | 129.64 | 3500.28 | 3500.28 |
CSPX.UK | 7648.93 | 1903.82 | 4.00 | ETF | USD | xtb | 396.09 | 1584.36 | 6946.94 |
DAXEX.DE | 9163.90 | 16977.65 | 115.00 | ETF | EUR | xtb | 117.40 | 13501.00 | 63098.28 |
GOOGL | 691.78 | 180.00 | 0.06 | Stock | USD | revolut_stocks | 88.23 | 5.52 | 24.18 |
TSLA | 374.62 | 98.00 | 0.13 | Stock | USD | revolut_stocks | 123.18 | 15.96 | 69.99 |
V80A.DE | 10307.20 | 2206.72 | 73.00 | ETF | EUR | xtb | 26.57 | 1939.25 | 9063.26 |
Total | 33196.97 | 83089.79 |
Invested amount by asset type¶
/home/runner/work/investd/investd/investd/views.py:64: FutureWarning: The default of observed=False is deprecated and will be changed to True in a future version of pandas. Pass observed=False to retain current behavior or observed=True to adopt the future default and silence this warning. grouped = df_tx.groupby(col)["amount_ref_currency_signed"].sum() /home/runner/work/investd/investd/investd/views.py:45: FutureWarning: DataFrame.applymap has been deprecated. Use DataFrame.map instead. df = df.applymap(round, ndigits=2) # type: ignore
PLN | % | |
ETF | 30,980.56 | 93.30 |
Stock | 2,216.41 | 6.70 |
Crypto | 0.00 | 0.00 |
FX | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Bond | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Invested amount by currency¶
/home/runner/work/investd/investd/investd/views.py:77: FutureWarning: The default of observed=False is deprecated and will be changed to True in a future version of pandas. Pass observed=False to retain current behavior or observed=True to adopt the future default and silence this warning. df_cur = df_tx.groupby("currency")[ /home/runner/work/investd/investd/investd/views.py:45: FutureWarning: DataFrame.applymap has been deprecated. Use DataFrame.map instead. df = df.applymap(round, ndigits=2) # type: ignore
Original currency | PLN | % | |
USD | 2,481.82 | 9,865.34 | 29.70 |
EUR | 19,184.36 | 19,471.10 | 58.70 |
PLN | 4,772.88 | 3,860.53 | 11.60 |
Invested amount over time¶
/home/runner/work/investd/investd/investd/views.py:104: FutureWarning: 'Y' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, please use 'YE' instead. .groupby(pd.Grouper(key="timestamp", freq=period)) /home/runner/work/investd/investd/investd/views.py:45: FutureWarning: DataFrame.applymap has been deprecated. Use DataFrame.map instead. df = df.applymap(round, ndigits=2) # type: ignore
PLN | Cumulated PLN | |
2022 | 33,196.97 | 33,196.97 |
/home/runner/work/investd/investd/investd/views.py:104: FutureWarning: 'M' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, please use 'ME' instead. .groupby(pd.Grouper(key="timestamp", freq=period)) /home/runner/work/investd/investd/investd/views.py:45: FutureWarning: DataFrame.applymap has been deprecated. Use DataFrame.map instead. df = df.applymap(round, ndigits=2) # type: ignore
PLN | Cumulated PLN | |
2022-01 | 8,401.84 | 8,401.84 |
2022-02 | 8,032.11 | 16,433.95 |
2022-03 | 5,060.63 | 21,494.58 |
2022-04 | 7,219.91 | 28,714.49 |
2022-05 | 4,482.48 | 33,196.97 |